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🦋 Assalamualaikum and hello everyone 👋🏻 My name is Irdina Farisha Binti Hanafi, a third year degree student from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Dato' Razali Ismail Terengganu, majoring in TESL. For this semester, we are required to produce a digital innovation project as part of our Digital Innovation in Teaching and Learning (TSLB 3152) & Inclusive Education (TSLB 3132) courses.

🦋 Hence, I decided to create a website which aims to develop students' understanding on Tenses through simple, yet interactive notes and engaging educational games. As we all know, school doors around the world have been closed for several months to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this crisis, we have seen an incredible amount of large-scale efforts to use technology in support of remote learning. Thus, I really hope that my digital innovation project could assist students in understanding Tenses in a more fun and meaningful way as they can easily access the learning materials in my website (it's free and can be shared among teachers and students as well) ❤️

🦋 Now, you can learn English from the comfort of your home (pyjamas and bed) 😉😍 Happy learning & stay safe everyone.

🦋 Don’t forget to leave your comments and feedback here. (Recommended to use laptop/computer 👩🏻‍💻👨🏻‍💻)

Hello, sweeties!.gif

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